Paris Now

Paris Now
La Tour Eiffel

Thursday, January 28, 2010


The Carte Navigo is free (gratuite) for residents of Paris and Isle-de-France. The pass can be credited at ticket booths and machines for weekly (hebdomadaire) or monthly (mensuelle) use. If you don't have a French address you can still purchase a carte navigo découverte for 5 euros and then replenish it with weekly or monthly credits. You'll need a passport size photo to be attached to the card in order to make the purchase. Once you have it you can use it over and over again. If you're a regular traveler to Paris, consider getting one rather than buying the metro tickets. It is good on all public transportation. Above left is a photo of the Navigo-only turnstile that is in most of the métro stations entrances.

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Pont Mirabeau

The French began building this bridge in 1895 during the Presidency of Sadi Carnot. It connects the 15th adn 16th arrondissements. There are three arches and the principal arch has a span of 93 meters. Interestingly, there are four allegorical statues. The one in this photo is the symbol of "Paris".

Monday, January 18, 2010

Allée des Cygnes

Yesterday was a gorgeous day in Paris with 46F (8C) temperature with lots of sun. We took a walk on "allée des cygnes" a small island on the Seine river that runs under le Pont de Bir-Hakeim and le Pont de Grenelle. Everyone and their dogs were out for a Sunday afternoon walk.

An interesting sight was the replica of the Statue of Liberty at the very southern end of the island. This statue was a gift from Americans living in Paris and dedicated on July 4, 1889. In a symbolic sense, this recently restored American gift closes the circle of gift giving that was luanched by the French in the 1860's with the gift of Miss Liberty.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Paris in the Winter

Some people wonder why you would spend time in Paris during the Winter months. Well, for one thing, there are certainly less tourists. There are hardly any lines (queues) at museums, art events nor at the unual touristy locations. Secondly, in the past several years the temperatures have been much higher in Paris than certainly New York or Chicago. We saw snow only once and it was gone by the afternoon. This is a perfect time of the year to get to know your arrondissement and its specialties.